Free civil legal assistance to low income individuals and families in and around Boston.

197 Friend St.
Boston, MA 02114
800-323-3205 (toll-free)
617-371-1228 (TDD)

City Life Vida Urbana

Support, and free legal assistance to people facing eviction in the Boston Area.

284 Amory Street, First Floor
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
(617) 524-3541

Providing free civil legal services to low-income individuals in the Greater Boston Area since 1914.

23 Everett St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 495-4408 (Se habla EspaƱol)

Please call during business hours of 9am to 5pm.

Chinese Progressive Association

Drop-in services are available.

28 Ash St.
Boston, MA 02111
(617) 357-4499